Help is always nearby

With more than 17,000 certified towing and roadside repair professionals in our network, we cover more than 100,000 miles of India’s roadways.

Help in a hurry

If your car breaks down, tell us the problem and we’ll come flying. No need to find help. Help will find you.

There for you anytime, anywhere

With a push of a button, you get the nearest qualified, pre-approved mechanic heading your way.

We can fix that flat

Charge or replace a battery, deliver fuel, get you into a locked car or give you a tow.

We’ll also give you something else

Peace of mind. The kind of peace you can only get from knowing that reliable, knowledgeable help will be there in a flash, getting you back on the road faster.

With your StrandD account

You never have to worry about paying for service on the spot. You can pay using netbanking, credit/debit cards and cash. It’s that easy

Download the App Now!

No membership required. Pay per use. Ready to help 24/7. Available everywhere. And we do mean EVERYWHERE.

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Icons made by Bogdan Rosu from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY